The Founders

Mike Jones

Louis McGrory
I'm Mike Jones and I grew up in and out of foster care from about 4 years old. I lived with many families over the years and I could not understand why I was not allowed to live with my parents. As a result of this I struggled to control my emotions and found it difficult to make friends. When I was allowed home things were chaotic to say the least. This contributed to my nervousness and shy character. My best memories as a child were at my youth club where I played football.
I had a few key positive role models throughout my childhood that really helped me become my best version. My passion for working with children ignited when I realised how I was saved by my role models. I realised how they had influenced me in such a positive way that I know they saved me. It then became my mission and purpose to become the best role model I could.
I have worked in education for 15 years since I was 19 taking on many roles ranging from TA, Mentor, PE Teacher, Behaviour & Standards assistant, Head of Year, Head of PE and my latest role as Intervention Manager at St Luke’s Academy where I have been for the last 6 years. I started at St Luke's when the school was in Special Measures and I am one of a few who stuck it out until our recent Good rating by Ofsted. Something I am very proud of. Alongside my day job I have run Just for Fun Holiday club for the last 5 years, growing it into the biggest Holiday club provision in Swindon and arguably the best.
Working in a SEMH school can be very challenging but it is most certainly a challenge that I love. I really enjoy building self-esteem and confidence in the students, supporting them emotionally and giving them direction. I’m always helping them overcome barriers to learning, access the curriculum and most importantly teaching them self belief .
I'm a proud father of 3. My eldest is 12, he trains Jujitsu 5 times a week and plays football at Grass roots level. The aim is for us both to get a Black belt together which on average take 12 years. My 9 year old Son is my football son, he is obsessed like I was and I do all I can to pass on my knowledge. I played semi-professionally for over a decade and now it is his turn to chase his football dream. My daughter is 6 years old and a talented gymnast. This year my focus is on having more adventures with the family, taking them away on holiday and spending some quality family time together.
Three things I want to do
Become a Foster Care
Travel the world
Swim with sharks
What do I get up to in my spare time?
Since retiring from football, I love Jujitsu, I train 4/5 times a week. Which is basically grown men play fighting. I have always loved playing the PlayStation with the boys although it is hard to find the time, I really enjoy catching up but in the comfort of your own home.
Guilty Pleasures
Anything Sweet, particularly biscuits and chocolate.
Adrenaline sports; Skiing, mountain biking, tomb stoning, MMA
Agreeing to crazy challenges without training i.e. 3 peaks 24 h challenge or the hilliest coastal marathon possible in Cornwall! (They both hurt a lot)
I'm Louis McGrory, and I grew up in Swindon, struggling with dyslexia during my time at Haydonleigh and Isambard school. I always felt the traditional school system didn't suit me and ultimately this affected my confidence.
My passion for football kept me going, despite teachers telling me to have a backup plan, I focused on my dream of becoming a professional footballer. Through hard work and dedication, I achieved that dream at 18, and football has been my anchor ever since. It helped control my emotions, keep me out of trouble, boost my confidence, keep me healthy, and develop social skills.
Now, I love sharing my experiences with students, encouraging them to chase their passions and believe in themselves, regardless of what's on paper. Intelligence isn't just about test scores; it's about finding and pursuing your true passion. I hope to give young people the confidence and guidance to do that.
I have worked with young people for many years now and I love having the privilege to help support young people through their challenges. I have been a Mentor, a Coach, a TA and also had Pastoral roles in SEMH settings. I am also the co-owner of Develop a Football Coaching company in Swindon and I am really proud of how big it has grown over the past couple of years.
Three things I want to do
Swim with sharks
Go to Miami
Spend more time with family
What I get up to in my spare time?
I still love to play football and pretty much do that all week whether that is with friends, at my club or with Develop. I also spend a lot of time with my family and try to see them at least once a week. I'm currently renovating my house so that takes up a lot of my spare time!
Guilty Pleasures
The TV show 'The Office'
Chocolate or anything sweet
Country Music
Stride 360 Ltd
Mobile: +44(0)7891616421